Monday, December 29, 2014

Busy Boy - Kody

In November of 2014, Kody, along with another KPETS dog were chosen to play "Sandy" in the show "Annie" at the Ephrata Performing Arts Center. The show ran until 12/20/14.

Here are some highlights from the show:

Here's a video clip commercial for the show

Here's a link to a review:

Here's an editorial response.

Still another ReviewIn the realm of "never work with children or animals" if you don't want to be upstaged, mention must be made of Genevieve Gagnon, a totally darling Molly (her stuck-in-the-bucket moment is worth the price of admission), and of Kody and Aili, the revolving Sandy cast. The dogs are bound to become divas demanding their own dressing rooms and bowls of treats. Yes, this crowd is stiff competition for the main cast. Fortunately, the rest of the ensemble, from orphans to Hooverville residents to Cabinet members and Warbucks staff members, manage to hold their own perfectly against a strong set of leads and the adorability factor of Gagnon and the Sandys.